Self Love/Self Care Journaling
so I started a daily self care/ Self Love Journaling session witch is difrent from this blog becase I write 3 things I am greatful for then a Goal for the day then somthing I like about my body and then I have a section for a workout traker a food traker and a mood tracker then on the ajasant page it has lines t write and at the bottom it has a section for things that inspire me The journal is a Guided journal format by a company called Fitlosiphy
I love it I decide Even though I am not Cathlic that I would do a sort of lent type thing this year insted of abstaining from something for 4o days I decided that I would start a self love (self care) journaling practice and some one once told me that it takes 21 days to make or break a Habit so I am hoping to take this next 40 days to create this new daily self Love ( self care) Jounaling I have also started a Prayer/bible study Journal and it is also a Daily prayer Journal
I am also doing a daily scripture study along with my self love journaling practice Hoping to really keep this up long term I used to Journal all the time when I was younger but somtime between Growing up and living life My journaling fell by the way side
- This is what the pages look like.
- this is a simpler format of my prayer journal