Sacred Motherhood

This is today's Sacred Motherhood message for me.
"if we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drives us crazy can be our teacher"- Pema Chodron
Sorghaghtani teaches that all beings deserve respect. She is so Beautiful and her story Resonates with me!
Sorghaghtani of Mongolia
Shirin Yim Bridges, Albert Nguyen
On the wind-swept steppes of Mongolia in the thirteenth century, a princess was given the chance to rule. She took lands that had been ruined by war and made them wealthy again, brought mutual respect and cooperation to a downtrodden and distrustful people, and in a battle of wits that was like a giant chess game, won for her sons the imperial throne. This is the story of Sorghaghtani, a real and remarkable princess who handed her sons the largest empire in the world.
I don't know why Yet that I pulled this card today but their must be a lesson here that I need to learn about TOLERANCE I guess only Time will tell