My Neupro Journey

so Thursday November 17th 2016 I started a new medication called Neupro ( trans dermal Patch) today is officially day 2 on the I was having all kinds of issues with my other medication Mirapex It made me extremely tired all the time I don't think I ever go the timing right somtimes it would not work there were times it would wear off quickly it was tiny and red I had to cut it in half to keep from having the really nasty side effects and being shaky I would often fumble and drop the little pill so I was extremely great full when my Neurologist agreed to let me try this both medications are Dopamine agonists and that does not bother me in the slightest so as of today here are the pros and cons
No med timing issues
steady stream of mediation over a 24 hour period

needs exta help sticking to my body
makes my skin very itchy on and around applicatin site

Right now I am still in what I would call the honey moon phase  only time will tell

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