How to Cook Everything: Simple Recipes for Great Food book review
Its that time again I am reviewing another book This time the book is called How took cook everything By Mark Bittman
Now I don't have a copy Of The Joy of Cooking in my collection my mom did growing up But that is one book I have just for some Unexplained reason have omitted from my book book collection but If you are like me and looking for 1 compendium ( or Reference book) Cookbook to start off your cooking Journey you could go on the hunt and find yourself a copy of "The joy of cooking" but I highly recommend just picking this one up and thumbing through its many pages their are well over 900 pages of wonderful recipes techniques and Ideas for Like the title says How to cook EVERYTHING while this is not one of those fanciny cookbooks with high gloss pages and beautifully photographed food you don't need that stuff when it comes to this book this is another one of my fave new cookbooks so much so that once I found this one and a local bookstore for practicly a steal I had to go through all of my many cookbooks and start paring down so that I did not end up with several book on the same coking subjects I highly recommend this book