My Parkinson's rant
you don't have to protect me, and say "do you know what this person is dealing with"? everyone CHILL! I don't need nor want you to feel sorry for me! I don't wan't your pity. I am NOT! some China doll that is going to shatter so don't act like it. I don't control how people respond to me having Parkinson's and that can be their fear I am fine I will not die from This and you can not catch this ( I am not contagious) If I feel I need help I will ask. DON'T ASSUME! that just makes me mad and just embarrasses you your help while you think its necessary just gets in my way! I am not a drunk nor do am I a junkie If you would like to know anything don't be afraid to ask I am an open book ( to a point) their are some lines I will not cross and some questions that are just off limits again I am a human being first and for most before all else so PLEASE!!!! treat me as such