Today is looking like a Good Day :)

5 drops sandalwood
3 drops sage
15 drops rain (bottle)
2 drops bamboo and teak (bottle)
5 drops neroli this blend is in my diffuser now . so my morning went like this "Sherlock's study", coffee, Buddist parenting (reading),opera on the radio, Zoey off to school then I ran to the store and found Gluten Free Barzilan cheese Roles they are so Tasty just like the ones I used to eat as a kid now I am just trying to finish up the last 2 or 3 epesodes of The Sons of Anarchy Serise on netflics I should be cleaning but insted I am destracted with Netflics once again and it looks like it might rain today so going to the park and jumping in the pool are not options so much for that LOL
3 drops sage
15 drops rain (bottle)
2 drops bamboo and teak (bottle)
5 drops neroli this blend is in my diffuser now . so my morning went like this "Sherlock's study", coffee, Buddist parenting (reading),opera on the radio, Zoey off to school then I ran to the store and found Gluten Free Barzilan cheese Roles they are so Tasty just like the ones I used to eat as a kid now I am just trying to finish up the last 2 or 3 epesodes of The Sons of Anarchy Serise on netflics I should be cleaning but insted I am destracted with Netflics once again and it looks like it might rain today so going to the park and jumping in the pool are not options so much for that LOL