Making a conscious effort to feel better.

so much has been going on this week and its only Monday were to start humm???
 well my family came into town for the last two weeks that was wonderful to see them then I made the conscious effort to feel better I have been diffusing Oils I am really getting into all the essential oils and  Love them ....
Tonight's oils blend
" Monday night Relaxation blend"
5 drops Goodnight Blend (bottle)
7 drops Bamboo and Teak (bottle)
6 drops lavender
7 drops Eucalyptus
I created this diffuser blend it was amazing during tonight's 20 min yoga session
For anyone who wants to join me in my Practise This is the video I used tonight
I feel amazing! its a good thing too because I need something to help relive the symptoms and feelings that come along with Parkinson's witch has lately been aggravating me to no end  and on a wonderful end note Zoey's first week of school while it had a rocky 1st 20 mins on Monday, went really well it was a testament to me that we are doing the right thing

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