oven baked Mess or crock pot heaven?/book Review
So today as I was making an early Lunch late dinner combo cream of mushroom chicken and stuffing bake I got distracted with my fussing son as most moms would I popped the entire dish in the oven then I quickly relized that I had forgotten to fluff up the stuffing Ooops my bad so I quickly pulled the entire mess out of the offen dumped it into the crock pot and drenched the entire mess with chicken broth then I grabbed the extra bag of stuffing mix and quickly whipped it together with the left over brother and spred that all over the top of everything in my crock pot and flipped it to high needles to say it smells AMAZING!!!! and I have no doubt it will taste just as AMAZING!!! but I have to cross my fingers that it will be done in time for my husband to go to work tonight seeing as I got it into the Crock pot Late around 12:40/1PM-ish...I am so extremely excited about getting into my kitchen and creating and as my readers may or may not know I love books especially cookbooks and as of late I have been rotating through my collection over the last 6 years I have purchased and collected some amazing cooking and food themed books but with low confidence and little self-esteem those books have sat unused on my shelf in almost near Pristine condition its just recently within the last year or so I have gained enough confidence to go into my kitchen and create yummy things then a funny little thing happed for Christmas last year I was gifted an AMAZING and Probably really expensive cookbook "Recipes for every season" and through this AMAZING book I have fallen in love with cooking ( or creating in my kitchen if you will) and it was also because of this book that it changed my entire cookbook collection ( witch up until this book mostly consisted of Vegetarian/Vegan cookbooks) and then my bestfriend found out that her daughter is allergic to Gluten so her house now has to be Gluten free and and and My husband thinks I am a hoarder so I decided to gift a bunch of my unused cookbooks she absolutely Loves them and I am glad that they will get a lot of Use way more with her than with me so as I said now I am rotating out books I don't use and They are now in a great home with lots of Love