Big changes are comming

So we have some big changes coming to our house and no not another baby LOL that would be the stuff of immaculate conception proportions but what is happening is this we have pulled our  7 year old daughter out of traditional public school and we are going to homeschool her now if you are cringing while reading this and going how can a high school drop out with out her GED homeschool her daughter and if your thinking that by homeschooling her I will do more damage to her than good ) (First off STOP!!!! this is our decision and its not your place to judge) now that I have gotten that icky statement out of the way you can breathe a huge sigh of relief because while you were thinking all those things so was I like you I wondered if I homeschooling would be the right choice given my lack of scholarly knowledge so here is what we did while yes we pulled her out of traditional public schooling we have enrolled her in an online/school district sponsored/homeschool program its a curriculum that is put together by the school district that makes her accountable for what she is learning and takes some of the pressure off of me to educate her now all of this being said it is still considered a homeschool program because it is an online curriculum to be done mostly at home and their are some parts of this program that have to be figured out like a homeschool parent would P.E. is one that comes to mind now if you are wondering how in the heck will she learn proper social skills don't worry about that ether I have joined a group of local homeschooling parents in my aria who do all kinds of things together park stuff, picnics, Homeschool skate at our local roller rink ect.. I am so excited well we are going to try this for a year and see how well she does and I feel that as a SHM I can now do all kinds of extra things for my daughter that she is not able to get through the Nampa public school system hopefully fingers crossed this will not be an extreme failure time will only tell

on another Note I am going to take a beginners pottery class  since I am now going through a major life change as all my readers know I have decided to do something edgy and a little out of my comfort zone so excited about this new phase in my life      

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