Applying for school excited
So I have decided that instead of taking a pottery class I am going to Jump with both feed full on and finish Collage ok restart collage my application is over half way done I just need to figure a few things out before the app is fully done and submitted I have decide that after all my Gen Ed stuff is out of the way well let me back up I am applying at BYU-I they have an flexible schooling program called Pathways witch is mostly online with some classroom work its a year long program with this program I will have to prove that I know the GED material and I will on top of that Get 15 collage credits to transfer because as most of you may or may not know I failed the GED by 1 question I DO NOT HAVE MY GED anyway this collage cores takes a diff approach to getting my GED after I finish this program I intent to go on to get my Bachelors of science in psychology then I hope to Go on to get my ph.D. in phycology but for right now my goal is to just get accepted into and finish this Program through BYU-I so that I can get into the local community collage I will prob just work my way slowly up the latter