My new found mommy addiction

so what is my new found Mommy addiction you ask?
Answer: will its wearing our little man!
 Now just what is baby wearing well baby just look at my pictures :) 
now I have s neat carrier called a Mei Tai sash
   Mei Tais are soft bodied carries with a tie waist and shoulder straps that come around baby and tie.  They can be used for front and back carries (it is possible to hip carry with some MTs).  Mei Tais are a good choice for someone who likes the adjustability of a wrap, but wants something slightly faster to get on.
my amazing husband enjoying our son with
and their are just way too many benefits from wearing baby to list so I posted a link I found above. OH MY GOSH!!! Best Mommy/baby bonding experience of my entire life. with My son being a preemie I needed to fine a unique way to bond with my son that would not cause him to use too much energy and loose too many calories ( basically  low energy bonding ) and I have absolutely fell in love with wearing my son EEEK Loving being His mommy 

ON A SIDE NOTE: I know this is no absolution for my feelings but since I have started wearing Our son I have felt a little less guilty about not being able to Brest feed & pump and give him my milk I had to stop because I of some postpartum issues that Need medication That I was not ok giving to my son through the Brest milk   

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