Amazing year so far

this year has been amazing for our little family don't get me wrong it has been physically Grueling for me ( giving birth getting my tubes tied ect...) I have been blessed with amazing in-laws and Family on my husbands side Pictures of little man's welcome to the world party too come soon  I have my sterilization surgery date getting closer and closer Supper excited about this I made the realization the other day that this year marks the 6 year mark for our relationship  this will be our 2nd married anniversary and well will have been together for almost a decade ooooooh such a wonderful time we have had we are getting a larger amount back in our taxes than we thought witch is great and I am getting a much needed new computer it has been 7 years since a new computer its time and now we are swimming in clothes for our little man so I will not need to use our tax  money on clothing for him like previousely thought oh soooo nice I am truly loving our little life so many amazing thing have, are, and are going to happen this year and I know this is TMI but I have just started my time of the month this is the first post baby Time of the month and it has been a little bitter sweet for me this marks the end of an AMAZING journey creating my son but it also marks the begging of  another journey "the rest of our lifes" yay I am no longer pregnant oh :( sad face I am no longer pregnant  but I have been blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom right now oh such a wonderful feeling

 oh my husband and I have started couples counseling not that our marriage is bad its actually really amazing but we do have a few little bumps that need smoothing out with help all is wonderful

Zoey loves her little brother

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