I have to say this year has been the craziest most intimate sexy fanatic yer of my life to date everything with Gabriel has been a so much more intimate experience than when Zoey because with Zoey I felt like I had the paparazzi on me and Sadly I have to admit she was not born into a loving husband and wife relationship with my son we had no one in the room for the first 48 hours other than Dr and nurses His birth was the single most Romantic relationship deepening Reverent experience of my life on so many levels on a relationship level because no one was with us but myself and my Husband ( our relationship deepend to an enterly new level) and on a parental level Pumping for Gabriel has been an extremely intimate experience everyting is so new to me having a preemie baby boy comes with an entierly new set of rules/challenges/ and rewards with Zoey ( as she was my 1st) I felt at a loss for what to do and with my insurence being what it was then I felt like I had no help at all no one wanted to discuss breastfeeding I felt like it was all "back ally" medicine that made me feel dirty and ashamed to even think about witch is so very sad because Breastfeeding and Brest milk is the most wonderful experience of parenting and with Gabriel ending up in the NICU I took the opportunity to avail myself of every single pice of knowledge I could get my hands on and so it may have seemed strange to the Nurses but I felt like this kid of mine needed every advantage I was able to offer him and and and with the Health Care Reform Act so many more things were/are avalibal to us its insane but i took advantage of almost all of it and one of these things avalibal this time around Pumping and bottle feeding him My Brest milk ( or as I like to affectionately call it "My liquid gold" )
I fall in love with my husband all over again and in a completely new way when I see him with our kids. There is nothing like seeing a father adore his children. |