Pumping through The postpartum Roler-coaster
so after almost a week without pumping and me on a Postpartum roller-coaster I decided to try and pump again today I have been having very deep very personal very mixed feelings about pumping Its been a very deep, personal and interesting experience for me being my second kid and my first experience with Pumping every thing is so new to me Its a sense of personal accomplishment a deep personal victory if you will It feels like the this "simple" act of pumping Brest milk for my son is like the very first adult task I have been able to accomplish without any say or input from outsiders not including Lactation consultants, Doctors and Nurses now I know this may seem silly to some but it is also a very personal bonding experience for me today I am feeling amazing about this entire experience I love being MOM being mom has taught me so much about myself and life and who I am growing into