My emotions today (Journal entry)

Time, what is it? who invented it? Their are some things in this world, that you'll never find the answer too. Things that you have to be ok with know knowing, but its thoese unknowable things that make life so rich, so fofilling, so scarry. Life can be scary and dark, but what is darkness but simply the absince of light? Good the worls is filled with it. Love the world is made of it. Just look at the Sun. The sun rises each day for one purpouse, to simply give.Give everythinhg beautiful comes from that word, if we choose it. What if the sun chose to be too tired to wake up? what if it said no! its too much truble, I think I'll go back to sleep. Sometimes I wonder if the sun could talk to us, what would it say? I think it would say "Love me so that I may love Thee" and if i had the chance to talk back to the sun I would say this... "Dear Sun,I'm sorry for falling short, and for not lighting up the world, each and every day, like I know I was ment to." But from what I know about the sun, it doesen't need to know that I am sorry. It only needs to see it. And if the only thing it needs from me is love? Then I have to show it not through my words,but throught my actions! So when you think your to tired to light up the world, when you think darkness has suronded you, when your growing so much that it hurts, Just STOP! Breath! and remember the sun and its selflesness. Because my dear sweet children , were theirs love, Nouthing is too much truble and theirs always time.

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