Pregnancy update: as of Saturday I am 31 weeks went to the Dr on Dec 16th and baby is good I am getting over Bronchitis and Baby G can now tell when it is light or dark Baby should be roughly the size of a Pineapple. Zoey is getting way excited Mostly because Christmas is literally like 7 days away at this point and she gets an almost 3 week break from school she loves school witch is a blessing because she never fights me on doing her homework she is fighting a little bit on learning to read but it will come all in good time she wants to read but she gets frustrated when it does not come easy to her (as most learning things do) as this pregnancy moves on these weeks seem too just fly by so fast when I was pregnant with Zoey The entire Pregnancy seemed too move very slow I wonder if all the end of year Holladay celebrations keeping my mind occupied hum we may never know LOL still so much to do eek I have a huge baby shower in January put on by my hubbies aunt I got all kinds of Christmas stuff still going on 2 Christmas parties Christmas day traditions and I still need too figure out what unique birth announcements we will use oh an we can't forget the most important part I still have too deliver baby G into the world oh still so much to do LOL