Feeling blessed
I really truly love this time of year The weather starts to get nippy, the colors change, fall food happens ect..... so much is going on I am loving being Pregnant with Gabriel he has ben such an "esay" fetus lol this week I am feeling truly blessed for so many things first and for most I am feeling blessed to have my wonderful family my children and all a good friend of mine recently went under the CPS or family services microscope for the 3rd time for parental neglect and abuse and with all her "Drama" I have ben reflecting and pondering on my own parenting skills I have ben thinking thinks like am I truly the Mother I wish my children to look up too? am I doing a good a job as I think razing my kids? now I started going back to the LDS church way back in May becase for all the lifetimes of searching for a silly religion I have decided that I really get a lot of church wit my family I have turned it into a family day I just tell people that oh I am sorry but we don't do stuff on Sunday because it is our family day and This has truly got my week going smoother my daughter is happer and my hubby is more upbeat as well in all My life is truly going well an I am truly Blessed