So with this new Diagnoses I am doing an entire life makeover it started with little things My hair my nails my cloths an obsession with scarfs ( to hide the dystonia in my neck) I must have over 100 scarves Blog got a new look ass well But then it moved to bigger things Like Removing the negative people in my life that "friend" that contacted me well I decided that she was just as bad for me now as she was years ago I'm thinking of quitting my job ( the Parkinson's is quickly taking a toll on my life) will switch career paths and become a stay at home mom ( I might have to file for disability) this is proving to be totally emotional for me but I will overcome this I have to be strong for my daughter Then my apartment is getting a full makeover new furniture New couch a really neat armoire that will house my scarves hats well my wardrobe Properly we are thinking about buying a house I am debating wither or not to finish collage but with the "Parkies" my shaking is bad enough that Nursing is out the window so I am thinking Psychology or social work my wonderful hubby is working his butt off to get into the military so that we can have an amazing life adventure not that we are not having one now and I am trying to just learn how to accept everything going on with my life I may Ironically have to take up a vegetarian diet If I get on this Parkinson's medication This one makes me laugh because it seems that the on thing I have ben trying to achieve for years is now a "HAVE TO" not a "Want To" In all this is a lot to take in 2015 is proving to be a real game changer for my life But my motto still stands "Live Life To Its Fullest Make Each Day Count"
one of my Million scarves.