Love without boundaries

So as of late we have decided to start the process to adopt a baby girl from China. And this has led me to start gaining more knowledge about the injustices of women across the world I have have also come across a wonderful Organization Called Love without Boundaries this is an organization that was founded by adoptive families (parents who adopted from China) now. My readers can’t. Get away without. Knowing I alredy. Have a beautiful 5 year old daughter named Zoey so most of you are scratching your heads going why another one? Why china? Why adopt? Why not just have another one of your own? So here it goes
1:Why another one? you ask
Its like this we (My Husband and I) have always wanted one or two more together we have always agreed on wanting a small family 2 or 3 kids we both come from large family’s and know that’s not for us.
2:Why Adopt?
I have always wanted to adopt a child ever since I was old enough to dream of becoming a mommy this is not to say that I never wanted my own I love my daughter VERY VERY much and I won’t. Love her any less just because a little sister joins our family I feel that I have a lot of love in my heart and I secretly melt when babies are around Lola my hubby jokingly says that he is just along for the ride
3:Why China?
The main reason I decided to look at china is because A: China has a one child Law (It is actually punishable by death if you have more than one child) and B:China has a cultureral preference for baby boys which means that baby girls are discarded like trash literally (their is a loop hole to that second. Baby law if you have a girl 1st time around and get rid of her you can try for a boy) this makes the ratio 100 to 1 for every one couple who is eligible. To adopt in china their is anywere from 100 to 1000 baby’s that need loving parents

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