my little boost of confidence
I got to see my boyfriend today :) well actually let me back up and tell u the full story yesterday was a pretty stressful 2nd night at work I got home feeling hoples like “what have I gotten myself into” but all should be better now seeing as me and my amazing man work at the same place we take care of the same residence witch makes things very nice when ether one of us is stressing about work we aren’t braking any HIP PA laws by venting to each other well any ways most of our residents know we are dating and they give us guff all the time :) well last night one of my fave Residents asked me how my boyfriend was and I said “Humm you’ll have to ask him I have not seen him in a few days” and my resident went wide eyed They scolded me saying “look Missy you get your butt over and see him ASAP” so today when I had a few mins of free time I poped over to see him and he was more than glad to see me I was greated with a large smile and a “thanks for come over hun” and a “don’t worry about the job you’ll do fine” :) I also got an ” I told you so” But It made me feel better knowing that some one else has confidence in me I think as long as I remember that He is behind me cheering me on too success I will do better tonight :)