I feel hung over

this morning I woke up with my stomach in knots and I’m feeling nauseated I can honstly say that if I keep stressing the way I did yesterday it might kill me it’s only Monday and I have had a really shitty start too my week yesterday I only got like half-hour with Homer wich sucked then a big storm blew through causeing a power outage :-( wich sucked ass) then Homer told me we can’t hang today cuz he’s got sister stuff and what did I do insted of taking it like a grown up (wich i should have done) I had a melt down I flipped out tears the whole works baby tantrum and everything I feel soo bad now after I have calmed down I trully don’t care if he hangs with his sister she is in town from Texas for 2 months and well he’s her shaperon lol I’ve ben giving it a tone if thought and I feel soooooo bad for going loco on him last night he puts up with my my daughter so I should just shut the fuck up

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