Happy Happy Happy
“I don’t care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when you’re with me
But crash and crave you when you are away”

so I have decided to update my blog life is great slow going with the Bf but thats only cuz its a long distance relationship and Life is busy for both of us on the right is a new pic of zoey
on the left is a new pic of me :) I have sooo much going on I am supper close to getting my NA Certification Yay me :)
oh the joys of being a kid and not having a care in the world if we could all revert back to this happy time oh what a happy place we would live!
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when you’re with me
But crash and crave you when you are away”

so I have decided to update my blog life is great slow going with the Bf but thats only cuz its a long distance relationship and Life is busy for both of us on the right is a new pic of zoey

oh the joys of being a kid and not having a care in the world if we could all revert back to this happy time oh what a happy place we would live!