Two feet in one direction
So I finly have some direction in my life. :) I Know who I am, I know what I want and I’ve jumped in fully 100% too get it yah it is a slow rode to victory but its the right one atlest for me. I know that I am a good mom and that the path I am now choosing is WAY better for Zoey than ware we were @ I Now have a Good Support network of friends who build me up insted of tering me down I am working tords a Mental Health Nursing dagree I’m Out of a bad BAD situation family speeking and I have finly after allmost 17 years of struggling Accepted who I am Both physicly, sexuly and Spirituly for the first time since my daughter was born I am truly happy with My life I Have Droped the people in my life that used me as a Doormat and am now just relizing what Real friends are :) my world is quite “AH”mazing :) :)……..