well I’m Confused as to who I am I hate not Knowing who I am and ware I stand I’m going through some very weird & tough stuff of my own right now I know I’m not redy to jump pack into anny kind of relationship espeshely old ones I wish people would let me be! let me figure out me I rushed into a life I was not redy for married life wise I love my daughter VERY MUCH!!!! enugh to keep her from getting hurt by the one person who should not be hurting her or me But the fact of the mater is we did get hurt and its sad that I had too put my foot down but I guess I had to grow some Balls for people to get my message of “YOU DON’T MESS WITH ME” I’m not Sorry how things are Turning out but I am sorry that people have to suffer at the hands of their own stupidety I’ve grown up SO MUCH this year my eyes have ben opend to some things I might not have seen had things stayed the way they were I hate How my daughter’s new world has to be but Its for the best if People could only understand my Struggles and take a breather from all the stressers But all I can ask for right now is !!!PLEASE MAKE THINGS ESEY FOR ME MEET ME HALF WAY PLEASE!!!