Life is kick Ass...

so Right now our life is so kick Ass I got back in to Job corps my addmissions date was Augest 3rd this 1st week was amazing, I found out that Doing this counts for collage credits wich is SWEET!!! we went dumpster diving (so to speek) and got two brand new never ben used Toddler carseats witch is/was a goddess-send we saved about $160.00 for to realy nice high end brand new car-seats one of these seats was slightly warn but still in great condition they are both 5 point harness seats witch is rare to find in the dump on to other news my mom is taking a Cake decorating class and is getting realy good my best friend is prego again for the 3rd time My hubby still has his Job and some thing Funny my ex friend christina can’t get a job my daughter is starting to talk more life is rely kick ass for us right now My life is going realy well right now & my ex friend who Told me I was a peace of shit her life is shit Laugh Out Loud Literlly oh and not to be too personal but I’m getting an IUD Job Corps is gona pay for it LOL LOL LOL life is great

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