Our new Friend Lestat

So my Brother-in-law gave us the $$$ for a Betta Fish he was only $3.99 this Betta is a Male Fish with a Bluish/black Body and Redish/pinkish/oringe fins his coloring reminded me a Vampier (for some odd resion) I am NOT GOTH so I named him Lestat after one of Ann Rice’s vampier charactershe’s a very energetic fish :) & I’m extra happy because our cat Harris is not bothered by the presence of Lestat this pic is not a very good one because it was taken the Day we got him home from the petco and we thought he was dif colors Now he has a small 1 gallon tank and he seems to be happy too wich is awsome because I was all freeked out the day we brought him home, Growing up and trying my hand at fish I was all ways unsucsesfull I think a BIG part of that stems from the fact that my mom took care of my gold fish and due to our hectic life they all ways ended up lasting only a few days if that And Zoey Seems to be taking a liking to him as well :)