Buddhism Has Changed My Life!

So after many years of life 2 major things have happened, 1st and for most the better of the two I’v converted to Buddhism, I grew up in a very religous home and after manny long years of serching for myself I’v come to Buddhism! a beautifull religion that just feels right for me out of all the religons I have studdied Buddhism was the one that spok to my needs it helped me solve some problems I was experianceing now for the 2nd thing through creative difrencess I have lost a long time friend. This persion tryed to tell me exsactly what my religion was! through her own deceidion we are no longer friends. Buddha said that all things happen with a perpous and to essentuly take things with a grain of salt which is exsactly what I’m doing. Buddhism has made me a happier person and I’m better for it.